A few weeks ago, we heard from Casa Flor Designs’ co-founder, Rachel Ross. She shared her passion for textile design, ethical fashion and the developing world (especially Guatemala). After reading Rachel’s interview and taking a peek into her journey, we couldn’t wait to meet her business partner, Averie Floyd, and learn about her journey to Guatemala and her vision for Casa Flor Designs. It’s empowering and encouraging to see how a common passion can unite two people from different worlds. Averie and Rachel are currently raising their startup funds through Indiegogo, and we want to help their tribe grow because they are such an integral part of our tribe. Now, Averie chats with us about why she chose to launch an ethical fashion brand and why she chose Guatemala.
Tell us a bit about your background.
Hi, my name is Averie, you met my business partner Rachel Ross a few weeks ago, and together we are starting Casa Flor Designs! I’m from Denver, Colorado and I always say that only a place as beautiful as Guatemala could take me away from Colorado. I grew up watching my mother paint murals and draw portraits. As an only child I learned how to use my imagination and entertain myself, so I spent a lot of time drawing and crafting. My grandmother taught me how to sew when I was in 6th grade and I have been drawing clothing designs ever since! I graduated with a BS in Apparel Design and Production from Colorado State University and have been living in Guatemala for a year and a half.
When did you realize that you wanted to work with artisans in the developing world?
During my education at Colorado State I began investigating the impact of sweat shops used to produce the majority of clothing sold in the U.S. I knew that I did not want to be a part of that industry, so when it was time to do my internship I searched for fair trade organizations. I chose Guatemala because the incredible textiles produced here, and my father was adopted from Guatemala during the Civil War. I didn’t learn much about his origins growing up, so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity! I didn’t expect to fall so deeply in love with life here. Now I am proud to call Guatemala my second home.
Why did you choose to work with artisans in Guatemala?
When traveling through Guatemala, you begin to realize what pride people have in their individuality and craft. Each town has their own ‘traje’ or traditional dress, so there is a plethora of textiles to explore. Once I started meeting the artisans making these textiles, the symbolism of back strap weaving was really revealed. Many of the artisans say they are weaving their life story, and as an artist, I really relate to that. They explained to me that use of red thread (a very popular color in traditional dress) symbolizes their blood, their identity as Maya people. Each textile tells a story, and each textile is completely unique. The makers here in Guatemala are incredibly talented and we want them to be known for their mastery by telling their stories through Casa Flor .
What reaction did you receive when you made the decision to take the leap to launch an ethical fashion brand?
When I decided to come to Guatemala by myself, half of the people I told asked me where Guatemala was… The other half were concerned for my safety. Honestly, I was concerned too. I over researched and over prepared, but it wasn’t until I met my host family that I felt at ease. Moving to another country where you don’t know a single person and you aren’t fluent in the language really makes you go through an identity crisis. However, it allows you to look deep inside of yourself and get to know yourself so much better. It’s also an incredibly empowering experience that gives you the confidence to do almost anything!
When I told people that I was going to start an ethical fashion brand, every single person I told was SO excited. People have been telling me for a long time that I need to start my own brand, but I didn’t feel ready until I had Rachel by my side. It felt so good to hear encouragement from those close to me and really gave me that extra push to believe an ethical fashion brand was possible. Now we are knee deep in it, absolutely terrified at times, but we can’t imagine doing anything else!
You and your friend Rachel (who we heard from earlier) launched Casa Flor Designs together. Tell us about this partnership and this venture.
Casa Flor Designs would not be a reality without my business partner Rachel Ross. I met Rachel working at a non-profit that employs backstrap weavers in rural Guatemala. We immediately formed a connection over our passion for textiles and fashion. One day we were on a 6 km walk (I forced Rachel to go on with me) and to entertain herself, Rachel asked me what I would create if I could make anything with the amazing artisans we have met here. We started throwing around some ideas and the conversation kept coming up. We began to wonder why we couldn’t make this dream a reality. Now, we are doing just that. As we continued to work closely together, we realized how perfectly we balanced each other out. Where one is weak the other is strong. I can’t wait to see where our partnership with this ethical fashion brand takes us!
It’s a big world and at times we can feel like our efforts to empower others can feel so small. What keeps your spirits lifted and what do you hope to achieve in this season of your life?
Although one of our goals is to alleviate poverty through employment, it can be hard to think we are making a difference. But, we have chosen a very positive attitude when we face difficult situations. We aren’t trying to change the world, we aren’t even focusing on the poverty in Guatemala; we are collaborating with masterful artisans to create clothing that tells their story.
I think we are able to keep from feeling down about the challenges Guatemala faces because we believe that the artisans are just people like you and me. They love their families, they have dreams, they work hard, and they fight for their passions. The only difference between Rachel, the artisans we work with and me is where we come from. We have the same heart for creating and collaborating. Casa Flor Designs seeks to find talented makers in Guatemala and showcase their craft in a global marketplace.
This is Casa Flor Designs, your clothes tell a story.
The post Meet Averie Floyd: Co-Founder of Casa Flor Designs appeared first on Tribe Alive.